Love Sober
Sober Love Podcast 2.0
Clover Stroud on Creativity & Sobriety

Clover Stroud on Creativity & Sobriety

The Giant on the Skyline and living an unfiltered life.

In this episode I talk to writer Clover Stroud about creativity, sobriety, life, love and loss and her new memoir 'The Giant on the Skyline - On home, belonging and learning to let go.' ( May 8th 2024) 

Clover Stroud is a writer and journalist writing for the Daily Mail, Sunday Times, Daily Telegraph, and Conde Nast Traveller, among others. She’s a Brit living now in the U.S with her husband and five children.

I love talking to guests on the podcast - it’s a beautiful way of building community and because of the sober angle I usually find connection and common ground, but occasionally someone comes along and I just find myself nodding and nodding and nodding. The process of unfolding creativity that bursts into HD when you are sober is real and it was a beautiful moment for me to hear a fellow human, mother and writer speak that back to me - and one whose work I am in awe of.

She is disarmingly honest, a warm soul and a hugely talented writer … Please welcome … Clover Stroud.

Pre-order 'The Giant on the Skyline-On home, belonging and learning to let go.'  Signed copies available to pre-order now.


Connect with Clover: 




Love Sober
Sober Love Podcast 2.0
Discover the joy of alcohol-free living. Tips, tools & inspo for The Journey - the highs, lows, the layers and the leaps. My journey of living, learning and creativity as a sober woman, mother, coach & author from Love Sober's co-founder Kate Baily.